
Wearable Microphone Jamming

The bracelet emits ultrasonic noise to disable the microphones. According to the website Government Technology, the device randomly emits white noise within a range of 24 kHz to 26 kHz.The bracelet jams microphones in speakers, smartwatches and smartphones. The wearable even works if microphones are covered by paper or cloth. The device is "crammed with 24 separate transducers that emit ultrasonic waves that interfere with microphones in all directions, even if they're hidden. By transmitting white noise randomly in the 24 to 26 kHz frequency range, mics in the immediate vicinity are only able to pick up static rather than spoken words.

"We confirmed that an ultrasonic microphone jammer is superior to state-of-the-art and commercial stationary jammers by conducting a series of technical evaluations and a user study. These demonstrated that:
  1. our wearable jammer outperformed static jammers in jamming coverage; 
  2. its jamming is effective even if the microphones are hidden and covered by various materials, such as cloths or paper sheets; and, 
  3. in a life-like situation our study participants felt that our wearable protected the privacy of their voice."

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