
Quick-sealing surgical glue closes wounds in seconds

An international team of researchers developed a surgical glue that can seal up even the largest wounds in a short amount of time. The glue is called MeTro and it's tailored to be used on wounds that risk reopening due to constantly expanding and contraction. The researchers noted that it would even work on internal tissues including heart and lung. The glue is designed to expand and contract even with internal tissue like heart and lung.

In order to create MeTro, the team engineered a unique form of sealant using natural elastic proteins. These proteins were inspired by tropoelastin -- the protein that allows human body tissue to resume shape after contracting or stretching. After applying the sealant to a wound, the team used a stream of UV light to set the material. The process only took 60 seconds to set. MeTro also has a built-in degrading enzyme that can be tailored to the injury's severity. The researchers drew similarities to it and sealants around bathroom tiling. It's this enzyme that helps separate the glue from other 'wound hacks' like using superglue on cuts. Also, this glue is made for wounds significantly larger (and internal) than what the Mayo Clinic says superglue can fix.

This innovative tool comes from a collaboration between researchers from the United States and Australia who ultimately want to use the glue in emergency situations.

Vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Bvb5Ahm4u4


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