Iran has issued a warning against Greece, saying that it will retaliate if the United States attacks the Islamic Republic using its military bases on Greek soil. It is the first time that Iran has threatened to launch attacks against a member of the European Union in connection with the recent rise in tensions between Tehran and Washington. Iranian officials issued the warning against Greece in response to comments made by Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis during his recent visit to the White House, which coincided with the assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani by the US. Speaking about Soleimani’s killing, Mitsotakis said that “we [Greeks] are allies with the US, so we stand by our allies through difficult times”. And he continued: “I understand this particular decision was taken by taking into consideration what is the US national interest, and we stand by that decision”.
Iran’s response to the Greek prime minister’s comments came in a letter that was sent by the Iranian embassy in Athens to one of Greece’s leading broadsheets, Kathimerini. The letter pointed out that Greece and Iran enjoyed “friendly, traditional and historical relations”. Given “the absence of any differences or tension between [the two countries] in recent centuries”, said the letter, “we believe that [Mr. Mitsotakis’] statement cannot be the official position of the Greek government”. It went on to warn that “The Islamic Republic of Iran has made it very clear that in the event of a US-led war against the country, the concession of [military] bases by any country to the American invader will be considered a hostile act and Iran reserves the right to respond in a clear and decisive manner”.
Last weekend, Greece’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Nikos Dendias, revealed that the Iranian government had delivered a statement to his office, protesting Mitsotakis’ comments. But he added that he had not had a chance to read it. He also said that his Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Javad Zarif, had asked to speak with him about Greece’s stance in the US-Iran dispute.
Joseph Fitsanakis
Iran’s response to the Greek prime minister’s comments came in a letter that was sent by the Iranian embassy in Athens to one of Greece’s leading broadsheets, Kathimerini. The letter pointed out that Greece and Iran enjoyed “friendly, traditional and historical relations”. Given “the absence of any differences or tension between [the two countries] in recent centuries”, said the letter, “we believe that [Mr. Mitsotakis’] statement cannot be the official position of the Greek government”. It went on to warn that “The Islamic Republic of Iran has made it very clear that in the event of a US-led war against the country, the concession of [military] bases by any country to the American invader will be considered a hostile act and Iran reserves the right to respond in a clear and decisive manner”.
Last weekend, Greece’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Nikos Dendias, revealed that the Iranian government had delivered a statement to his office, protesting Mitsotakis’ comments. But he added that he had not had a chance to read it. He also said that his Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Javad Zarif, had asked to speak with him about Greece’s stance in the US-Iran dispute.
Joseph Fitsanakis
"Λεφτά (επενδύσεις) ΔΕΝ έρχονται σε κράτη - τραμπούκους με δισθεόρατη ΦΟΡΟΛΟΓΙΑ (φέτος η Ελλάδα χτύπησε νέο high score με την υψηλότερη φορολογία από όλες τις χώρες μέλη του ΟΟΣΑ). Επενδύσεις επίσης ΔΕΝ έρχονται σε χώρες με πολύπλοκη και ανύπαρκτη ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ και απίστευτη ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ - τους 3 ορκισμένους ΕΧΘΡΟΥΣ των επιχειρηματιών!"
Υπάρχει και ένας τέταρτος εχθρός των επιχειρηματιών που ονομάζεται ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑ των περιουσιακών στοιχείων (assets), κερδών και προσωπικού των επιχειρήσεων!
Δε γινεται λόγος για αντίποινα Ιρανικών βαλιστικών πυραύλων, αλλά για την ανεξέλεγκτη εισροή αγνώστου ταυτότητας - όχι απαραίτητα Ιρανών - ποινικού και υγειονομικού μητρώου αρρένων που θα μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν ΑΠΟ ΟΠΟΙΟΝΔΗΠΟΤΕ ως σαμποτέρ, προβοκάτσια, ή βομβιστές αυτοκτονίας κατά επιχειρηματικών, στρατιωτικών, δημόσιων και διεθνιστικών στόχων!
Η μετατροπή του Ελληνικού "Εθνικού" Κράτους σε πολυφυλετικό διεθνιστικό χώρο θα επιφέρει και τους ανάλογους διεθνείς κινδύνους ασφαλείας και κοινωνικο/οικονομικο/επιχειρηματικής αστάθειας στην περιοχή αλλά και στην ίδια την ΕΕ!
Για όσους πιστεύουν ότι - αποδυναμώνοντας τις τοπικές "εθνικές" ελίτ, σώματα ασφαλείας και κοινωνική συνοχή - οι διεθνιστικοί χώροι δουλεύουν ομαλά με ειρηνική συνεργασία και φέρνουν business και κέρδη μόνο, τότε να λάβουν επίσης υπόψιν ότι οι διεθνιστικές συνθήκες ενισχύουν την:
- ανασφάλεια,
- τρομοκρατία (βλ. εκρήξεις, τρελλά φορτηγά, "ατυχήματα", δολοφόνων με "ψυχολογικά" προβλήματα, κοκ),
- στρατικοποίηση δημόσιων χώρων,
- βιομηχανία ασφάλειας
- δύναμη/ρόλο κάποιων Υπηρεσιών....και
- εξάρτηση ασφάλειας Επιχειρήσεων, Δημόσιων και Διεθνών οργανισμών από ΕΘΝΙΚΕΣ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΩΜΑΤΑ ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑΣ!
Εν αναμονή των μελλοντικών εξοπλισμών, επενδύσεων και αναδιοργάνωσης των σωμάτων ασφαλείας και πολεοδομίας με την αμέριστη συμπαράσταση όλων των προοδευτικών "αριστερών" και "δεξιών" παραγόντων και δυνάμεων....