
Η Ελλάς της ψηφιακής εποχής: "Αργή", ακριβή και αναλφάβητη.

Greece has two main challenges in Connectivity.
- First, it needs to increase the number of broadband subscribers, as only 66% of households subscribe to fixed broadband and there are only 44 mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 citizens, limiting Greece's ability to exploit the benefits of the digital economy.
- Second, it needs to improve coverage of fast networks, i.e. Next-generation Access (NGA) networks providing at least 30 Mbps. To date NGA coverage in Greece is only half of the average EU level. Likewise, subscriptions to fast broadband need to be improved since only 4.2% of fixed Internet subscriptions are to high-speed connections (30% in the EU).
Affordability could explain the low broadband take-up, since the standalone fixed broadband subscription in Greece costs as much as 1.9% of the average gross income per capita (1.3% in the EU)[3] and exhibits an increasing trend. Low take-up could also be attributed to the relatively low demand resulting from a lack of digital skills in the general population.

Read the full report: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/scoreboard/greece

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